The purpose of this document is to ensure that safe, healthy, and respectful engagement occurs between Clear to Work (CTW) and customers.
This policy and procedure refers to all CTW customers (past and present), staff, contractors, and any stakeholders involved in the running of business.
CTW’s foundation for a stress-free and enjoyable workplace and customer engagement requires a clear framework of behavioural expectations from all parties.
CTW respects good business practices where CTW staff and stakeholders will be fair, honest, impartial, and professional at all times and follow all internal policies and procedures.
This framework is based on two (2) main pillars:
1. Respect for each other
Under no circumstances will the following behaviour be accepted or engaged with from any parties mentioned in the scope of this policy:
2. Respect for Clear To Work
CTW strongly discourages the following behaviour from all parties mentioned in the scope of this policy:
CTW will follow the below procedure when dealing with cases of unwarranted behaviours:
1. Receipt of unwarranted behaviour
On identification of a potential ‘unwarranted behaviour’ case, CTW staff members are required to forward all information and evidence immediately and directly to a/or all CTW Executive Managers (Compliance Manager, Chief Operations Officer, and Chief Executive Officer).
2. Review process and behaviour against the framework of behavioural expectations
The CTW Executive Managers will review and evaluate the parties involved, the product and service experience had by the customer, and the incident that has occurred resulting in the behaviour. On review of all information, management will decide if the behaviour falls into any of the main pillars mentioned in the Policy Statement.
3. Identification of breach and proportionate response
A case manager will then be allocated to ascertain the appropriate course of action. Responses are to be curated and in standardised format. Responses must always include information on appropriate means of complaints and/or appeals processes.
a. Respect for each other
CTW values the health and safety of its employees and students and does not, under any circumstances, tolerate the disrespectful treatment of staff.
Customers found engaging in these behaviours will be subject to the following:
b. Respect for Clear To Work
Customers found engaging in these behaviours will be subject to the following: